I have a lot actually but these people are the closest, the best, the most friendly, the coolest, and the superlative form of a music maker. Some may think I am too hiperbolic in descripting them. But, I swear I am telling you the truth. Sometimes they might be scumbag but most of the time, they rock! They are Kevin William, Winda Limengka, Lourenchyus Alfredo, Novrianto Basidi, Timothy Joshua, Ivan Denata and Indah Alvernia. Unfortunately Indah couldn't join in the 'fun' yesterday. What was yesterday?? So yesterday, the third observance was the celebration of GKI HI's 18th birthday. They handed the music, me and Ivan become the singer. It was a lot of fun yet much confusing because Church Hymns kinda hard to sing, you know their notes sometimes hard to predict. But at the end then everyone was happy and we played well. Nothing is best than serving Him. It always brings you overloaded joy, more than anything could happen on you.
When everyone was out of the room, Ka Winda took out 2 packs of snacks, they were chocolate and jelly belly but she called it "permen ceria" and suddenly all of us called that jelly belly as "permen ceria" too. I tastes so much "ceria", shaped like kidney and presented in various colours and each of them has different taste, yeah that is ceria! So that "ceria" is unexpectedly sticks with our zuper guitarist,Kevin William. And it led him to these super ceria tweets
Jelly Belly "Permen Ceria" Zuper Effect
But to be honest, I love seeing these tweets. I feel a lot of joy the moment I saw these tweets, feels like we're close enough and we feel the same happines. I love you guys
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