
Jack n Jill

So, last night was quiet fun watching "Jack 'n Jill". A movie of Adam Sandler, which was really him. I mean like a movie without something really important to seek when actually there's a hidden point there. Just like, Click or Grown Up. Movies that won't let you see the moral issue clearly. It's hidden, behind those pervert jokes, or stupid acts. Anyway, I watched Jack 'n Jill with my sister, Lala. We bought some salty chips before I went to course and watched it when I got home. We softly stole father's laptop. I mean, we said we borrowed it to copy some jazz music from his laptop when what actually happened is, we watched a movie. Why did we have to do that? Because father won't let us use his laptop to watch DVD, he thought it would broke something in the laptop, i dont have any idea about that. Oh and one more thing, my speaker active is broken and father hasn't bought a new one yet for me so I guess that's the second reason why I or we, used our father's laptop.

And by the way, those things in the bowl was Lays Salmon, Barbeque Flavoured chips, and Ring or whatever they call it, I forgot. My drink was strawberry milk (ugh) and Lala's was basic Teh Botol. The movie was entertaining. As always, Adam Sandler never disappoints. Well, there are so many terrific scenes. Like, driving speed boat in house swimming pool and to see Adam Sandler as a girl. He's totally gonna be the next John Travolta, so oh-my-god. 
And I think that's it for tonight. I feel like typing tonight, but actually dont really know what to type, so this is it. Insisting the mind to work. HAH


Tanya Kenapa?

Kenapa belakangan ini seperti kita berjalan tidak di jalan setapak indah setahun yang lalu?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti kita kekurangan cahaya?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti kita berbeda?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti aku di kanan kamu di kiri?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti sulit memahami?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti pohon yang kokoh itu berniat untuk menumbangkan dirinya sendiri?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti tidak ada tautan?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti terus tenggelam makin dalam?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti bukan mencintai harum bunga, tapi mahkota bunganya?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti dekat tapi jauh?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti menyayat urat nadi tanpa ekspresi?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti hambar?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti sekuel-sekuel yang tidak pernah selesai namun sudah memulai yang baru?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti tempurung lutut yang remuk?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti kita pergi kemana angin membawa kita?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti dipancung?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti menangis tapi tidak mampu menyeka air matanya?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti lebih sesak daripada sebelumnya?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti dunia jadi hitam-putih?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti aku bukan milikmu?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti kamu bukan milikku?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti dua sisi magnet berkutub sama berusaha disatukan?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti ketukan jari yang sama tak pernah berubah, entah cepat entah lambat?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti sisa bara api yang dibiarkan tidak dibersihkan?
Kenapa belakangan ini seperti ^%$*&(&Hhguy&^%&%*&90-??!!***?


Oh, Yesterday

Yesterday was quiet stressful, today was also actually. Everyday is...
I don't know how everyhour spent in class made me so sleepy. Anyway, haven't I told you about a friend who always acts like a firework? eh?

Anyway, today, my friend Irwandana told me, Lya, and Ikhsan about the untearable paper. So, we take a little piece of paper and divide them into three part, but we don't make them into three separated parts? Confused? Me too. Let's see the pict

Alright now, the challenge is, we have to pull the two sides on the left and right at the same time and see who can tear them both. And it came to be no one. This is the only thing we got after each of us try to do it for three times.

No one can tear them both at the same time. There's always just one of them that succesfuly teared. I don't know maybe physic can explain this. 
Yesterday and today was quiet the same day. Regular schedule of school and added with PM of national exam. The only different things are, we bring more food from home and .. handphone charger (no, that's actually me)