these pictures were taken with the lame BlackBerry Gemini's camera
The Audition
Hah! I just got back from Indonesian Idol audition, so much tired. I woke up really early in the morning and started all the way to JIEXPO at 3.30. Picked up Edo first, then my friend Ivan and his junior, Alvin (it's a girl anyway). The third day wasn't as crowded as the first and the second. There was probably 500 to 1000 people there, while the first and the second day holded almost 15.000 people, such a number. We were on the queue for about 3 hours and then we arrived at the registration section, I've registered myself before via II website, and I just have to fill out the STORY FROM, which is the "formality paper". Those crew won't even read that, trust me LOL. And then we were divided into groups contain of 10 people each. We went into the precast room and one by one sang in front of the independet crew of RCTI in a small room, there were two of them in each room. I sang Badai Pasti Berlalu and they cut me even before I reached the chorus. They asked me to sing another song, then I sang Night On Broadway. And by the time I said I wanted to sing NOB, their wrinkled forehead showed up. *I bet 1 billion dollars, YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS SONG!!" Hah, unqualified judges. "This is not going to be allright. I don't wanna be judged by a person that doesn't even know Bee Gees? For real?" And then, again, they stopped me when I haven't finished the song. Alriiiight then I got out from the room and waited for my group's turn to go to the result room. After about 10 minutes, our group was directed to the result room along with 30 others. "There's going to be only one person able to go the next level from the 40 of you" and I was like *dafuck is this?* What kind of voice does that 'only one' has? Something close to Celine Dion? LOL and it was a girl who made it. I don't know how she sings, but then congratulation to you, you had a lot of money to pay #upsie. Haha, then I went back to the parking lot with Ivan and Alvin, met Edo and my uncle. Then we drove to Kelapa Gading mall to have something to eat. And then we got home and everything was such a lesson. Nothing is a waste if we only wanna look deeper in any case, Thank God for this chance. At least I know, this spectacular event I always long for, is not as good as what they've shown on TV.
End of Story
I am finally done with you. 5th batch is finally done!! Thank you for everymoments of happiness and sadness you gave. Thank you for everylesson you taught. Though this farewell is not gonna be easy (it is hard in fact), we still wanna say thank you so much for finally we can delegate everything up to 6th batch. This is kinda sad, because it is not easy to say goodbye to something we have been fighting for since we were in the first grader. We have dropped tears for it. Some of you may think this is too much. But, MBGF means so much to me. This is the first time I've been in a marching band and I think this is gonna be also, the last. The first second I choose to attend this ec is the moment I was lucky enough. I've never felt this kind of fun, marching band. Something I didnt find in Junior High. Something totally different. And, it is true, being different is uber uber uber cool! MBGF is totally an amazing form of extracurricular. The friendship we made, the familiar atmosphere everytime we practice. I swear I can not forget it. This will be one of the best experience I have. And this is gonna be the proudest thing I will shout loudly everytime someone asks "Have you ever been in an organization? What organization was that?"
Holla, OSIS!
God! So sad to leave you. There are lots of memories I can make you sure I can not forget it. I am not the best member I know. But at least I have given my best to you. Thank you for every opportunities to learn and so sorry for every mistake. You know what, the best thing about this organization is that, this organization is the only group of people who made the word "tired" became the synonym of "happy". All events we made, all the meeting we held and each little cute thing you guys made has been memorized in my brain. It's gonna stay there forever! Too sad to think that we can't work together anymore. Eventhough we weren't good enough at working together :p. But, really, farewell is not a good thing to do. Seriously, I hate "goodbye". Especially for things I have fallen in love so hard with. Alright, at last, I am hoping all the best things for the next batch. May God bless you
LOL, this is so lame. I'm feeling a lot of sadness right now. I can't even express it. Not because I am writing in english. NO. I'ts just hard to arrange the words. I want to bring back good memories through this post. But, I know I just failed. Anyway, I am crying, right now. This is real. I hate farewell. I'm not saying good bye to a person, geez, I am saying goodbye to over than 100 persons! Can you imagine how sad it is? I have to say good bye to people I have been working with for 2 and a half years. We have been in good and bad conditions together. We went through those together. I feel so much for both organizations. You guys are best, really. I was just an ordinary student on Junior High. I wasn't considered to be member of OSIS, I was also not very smart. Teachers thought I can't handle big things. I was, bad. But in Senior High is totally different. Everything became different. I attended OSIS at the first year (and felt like a boss :p). I attended MBGF also at the first year. I continued to attend those organizations at my second year, until now. And I was definitely growing. I used to think that, I am nothing. I can't do big thing. But, it seems like these two big things have given me the chance to grow up even bigger. To learn how to handle things and to make yourself considered. Knowing to always be responsible. They taught me how to grow up. I sometimes want to tell my Junior High teachers that I wasn't that bad. It's true, they underestimated me. And it hurted me so much. Feels like I want to shout really loud about my changes in Senior High. If I am allowed to be arrogant, "Hey, I am the chief of Marching Band Gita Flamboyan! I am girl. I lead them!", "Hey, I attended the Biology Olympiade in Bekasi!", "Hey, I am member of OSIS. And this Senior High's OSIS can do things damn better then the OSIS I knew in Junior High!"
Sorry for being arrogant but it's just thank you so much for both of you MBGF and OSIS, allowed me to feel the proud I always longed for.
I am hoping the best for you two. I can't hold these tears. Both of you mean so much to me.
Thank You
I am finally done with you. 5th batch is finally done!! Thank you for everymoments of happiness and sadness you gave. Thank you for everylesson you taught. Though this farewell is not gonna be easy (it is hard in fact), we still wanna say thank you so much for finally we can delegate everything up to 6th batch. This is kinda sad, because it is not easy to say goodbye to something we have been fighting for since we were in the first grader. We have dropped tears for it. Some of you may think this is too much. But, MBGF means so much to me. This is the first time I've been in a marching band and I think this is gonna be also, the last. The first second I choose to attend this ec is the moment I was lucky enough. I've never felt this kind of fun, marching band. Something I didnt find in Junior High. Something totally different. And, it is true, being different is uber uber uber cool! MBGF is totally an amazing form of extracurricular. The friendship we made, the familiar atmosphere everytime we practice. I swear I can not forget it. This will be one of the best experience I have. And this is gonna be the proudest thing I will shout loudly everytime someone asks "Have you ever been in an organization? What organization was that?"
Holla, OSIS!
God! So sad to leave you. There are lots of memories I can make you sure I can not forget it. I am not the best member I know. But at least I have given my best to you. Thank you for every opportunities to learn and so sorry for every mistake. You know what, the best thing about this organization is that, this organization is the only group of people who made the word "tired" became the synonym of "happy". All events we made, all the meeting we held and each little cute thing you guys made has been memorized in my brain. It's gonna stay there forever! Too sad to think that we can't work together anymore. Eventhough we weren't good enough at working together :p. But, really, farewell is not a good thing to do. Seriously, I hate "goodbye". Especially for things I have fallen in love so hard with. Alright, at last, I am hoping all the best things for the next batch. May God bless you
LOL, this is so lame. I'm feeling a lot of sadness right now. I can't even express it. Not because I am writing in english. NO. I'ts just hard to arrange the words. I want to bring back good memories through this post. But, I know I just failed. Anyway, I am crying, right now. This is real. I hate farewell. I'm not saying good bye to a person, geez, I am saying goodbye to over than 100 persons! Can you imagine how sad it is? I have to say good bye to people I have been working with for 2 and a half years. We have been in good and bad conditions together. We went through those together. I feel so much for both organizations. You guys are best, really. I was just an ordinary student on Junior High. I wasn't considered to be member of OSIS, I was also not very smart. Teachers thought I can't handle big things. I was, bad. But in Senior High is totally different. Everything became different. I attended OSIS at the first year (and felt like a boss :p). I attended MBGF also at the first year. I continued to attend those organizations at my second year, until now. And I was definitely growing. I used to think that, I am nothing. I can't do big thing. But, it seems like these two big things have given me the chance to grow up even bigger. To learn how to handle things and to make yourself considered. Knowing to always be responsible. They taught me how to grow up. I sometimes want to tell my Junior High teachers that I wasn't that bad. It's true, they underestimated me. And it hurted me so much. Feels like I want to shout really loud about my changes in Senior High. If I am allowed to be arrogant, "Hey, I am the chief of Marching Band Gita Flamboyan! I am girl. I lead them!", "Hey, I attended the Biology Olympiade in Bekasi!", "Hey, I am member of OSIS. And this Senior High's OSIS can do things damn better then the OSIS I knew in Junior High!"
Sorry for being arrogant but it's just thank you so much for both of you MBGF and OSIS, allowed me to feel the proud I always longed for.
I am hoping the best for you two. I can't hold these tears. Both of you mean so much to me.
Thank You
A Little Greeting
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year buddy!
I know its no longer the first day of 2012, but I finally have time to write on this blog again.
So, December was quiet busy and stressful. If I'm not mistaken, I unfortunately didnt have enough time to do this and that. It hurts.
But fortunately, Christmas healed the hurt. And I don't need to explain how or why. Those who have felt Christmas knew how it could really heal every pain.
Early of December till the mid was pretty saddening. Exams, undone homework, tasks and a lot lot things were ruining everything.
The beauty of this month starts from the evening of 24th of December till New Year hypness on 1st of January.
24th : Christmas Eve Celebration
25th : Christmas Day Celebration
26th : A Day Rest
27th : 1st Anniversary with Lourenchyus Alfredo. MI : Ghost Protocol. Spended the whole day with him
28th : One Fun Day with MTC (Makan Tuh Cinta :p). Sherlock Holmes 2. Spended with Edo, Kevin William
Billy David, Timothy Joshua, Elizabeth Sukanta, Andreas Ucup and his gf, and Octavianus Winky
29th : Trip to Kota Tua and Ancol with siblings from Surabaya
30th : "A Give Thanks Service" most of the family from my father came to my house. I unfortunately knew them
a little.
31th : "A New Year Service" or people from North Sumatera call it "Mandok Hata". I feel happy, we can
celebrate New Year in a completely different way. No need to have the countdown then explode those
firework. But yeah we did, a little bit later than the other :p
1st : Had a whole day in with the bed. He was really charming, erm, the bed is charming. And "New Year
Service" at church also the first "Holy Communion" to start this 2012. Siblings from Surabaya went
back. Too bad I couldnt go with them to the train station :'(
2nd : Sleeping
3rd : Sleeping
4th : Back to blog. Holla!!
Anyway, pusing ya tidur seharian itu. Ga bakat males-malesan emang #halah
Fill These Out
rule number #1 : post this rules

rule number #2: post 11 things about them(my)selves
- I love the meaning of my name,Valent. It's french, and the meaning is "precious"
- I love to laugh
- really love music, love to sing, love TYC
- classic disney cartoon is my favorite one
- currently bored with my blackberry
- is sad because Looklet is going to be shutted down
- you can find me as a colorful person. not trying to be narcissistic, but really i can be anything appropriate to you
- but, that could be not the real me because, in a damn real fact i have only two personalities
- love to read anything related to me. ex: the positive sides of Gemini, what does a person with AB blood act like, etc
- currently reading "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" and feel in love with it since the first page
- i unfortunately lack of the ability in doing house chores (like, washing clothes, mopping)
rule number #3 : answer the question, and these are from Ka Ayrine
- what your favorite song this week?
- what you did on christmas?
- have you ever crying at public place?
- what do you think about a couple who live together without getting married?
- transformer or harry potter?
- what image you'll choose if you want to get a tattoo? why?
- what your blog's name? and why you choose that one?
- who is your idol?
- and what will you say if you meet him/her in person?
- what your favorite constellation? draw it if you can.
- Owl City - In Christ Alone
- celebrating it in church, having a quality time with family, friends and boyfriend
- yes, of course, i did, when i was a kid, who didnt?
- may God forgive them
- honestly, none of both, but i have to choose then harry potter. because i havent watched transformer, even the first.
- butterfly, i just love the way they look
- Marvelous, finally a question about this, i just love the meaning of 'marvelous'. if this blog is not marvelous enough for you then im sorry
- God, this is not a bullshit, i'm a serious fan of Him
- Finally...
- Cannis Major. wait, i have asked to draw it for me, just go to him, i think he's done with that.
rule number #4 : create another 11 questions
- what is your favorite video clip of the year?
- is your mom your idol?
- what kind of movie do you adore?
- what is your favorite author?
- have you ever been in a relationship?
- which one is the longest?
- are you a person with anemia?
- what is cloud, for you?
- can you describe christmas?
- do you like to tweet?
- do you live with your parents?
- how do you like pale colours?
rule number #5 choose 11 people to answer those question above.
dont really care wether or not you really fill these out LOL, have fun
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