
Here Comes The Lady

Hi! I'm Lady!

Hawow, namakuw Wedi (Lady maksudnya). Akuw cedikit peciciwan dan ga bica diem. Akuw suka gangguin Kaka Viwla sama Kaka Vawent kawow meweka wagi nonton tivi. Biasanya aku nyanyi2 depan meweka. Tapi meweka mawah suwuh aku diem. Padahaw akuw nyanyi wagu kecukaan akuw. Menuwut akuw cih udah  badus, tapi mungkin menuwut meweka akuw cuma tewiak-tewiak dowang kawi yua. Akuw suka ngikutin Mama Mowisa sama Papa Jul kawo meweka abis ngasih akuw makanan, kan ciapa tawu dikaciw ladi hihihi. Muka akuw agak ceyem yah? Padahaw cebenewnya akuw baik wowh. Akuw cuka cawam cawam owang owang. Pokokna akuw  ini wucu dewh. Kawo mawu kenaw akuw webih dekat, wangsung aja ke wumah ku. Kawau pagi biasanya akuw masih tiduw di dawam, coba aja panggiw Kaka Viwla, soalnya Kaka Vawlent bangunnga agak ciang, makwum dia wibuwan. Udah duwu yaw, akuw mau nonton kawtun duwu nih, judulnya The Wedi and The Twamp. Dadah!


It's like I have been sacrificing my ego and feeling all the time. I know I am the one who sets the fire. But I also have the desire to pour some cold water onto it. Does that mean something to you? Seems like you don't even try to make everything better. You just keep on burning the house with some more fire while I am trying to water it with lots of water.


Lessons to Learn

I know I was extremely too late to watch Hancock and yes I just watched it some hours ago. It was a couple years ago movie that I didn't even watch the trailer. I wasn't interested, at all. But since my tv now provides international shows and tv channels, I am able to watch those Hollywood movies easier (it's on Fox Movies Premium exactly. It provides Hollywood movies everytime, all day long to the night). I found Hancock was somekind of superhero movie but it is beyond any other superhero movies. Some supers movies provides cool heroes, powerful, helpful, a one friendly neighborhood, polite, and blah blah blah. Hancock is something different. The fact that their kind was built in pairs is a fine way to built a good story. I was so dead to think that eventhough they were built in pairs (man and woman), they will gradually lose their power and slowly become normal men when they live together. So, here is one idea, if they want to stay alive and don't grow old, they need to be apart. BURN! They are couple, were built in pairs and no matter how far they are apart, they will always find each other. They work like the different pole of magnet. First I think that was cool. But then, there was one lessonful scene, when Mary was nearly died, and finally died, Hancock decided to go as far as he can, so Mary would stay alive. Remember the idea of staying close to each other will make them lose their power, make them be able to die? And here it is, hard to do but he has got to do it. For their good, to keep them alive.

You know what I really got from this movie. I remember the moment I had fight with some people who are close to me, my parents, family, boyfriend, and friends. Me or them got hurt of course because of the fight. And you know the best way to heal? Put some distance until you feel better and when you think you are fine and healed well, meet again.